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2 Mar 2021IELTS Essay: "Capital Punishment"
By Jeenn Lee Hsieh
>"All serious criminals should be hanged," according to some people who want to see justice done. Some people, however, seem to be opposed to death penalty, apparently out of human love. Most people nowadays choose to stand somewhere in between the two extreme points of view.
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16 Nov 2020Newspapers, the periodical publications which contain events and information, were once considered as the only effective way to learn about the news. Yet the rise of social media appears to be challenging to the newspaper and may have already replaced it.
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4 Oct 2020Some people claim that competitive sports could bring different ages and cultures together, such as football. Others believe competitive sports cause some problems to groups and nationalities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Competitive sports have been serving as a unifying force between people from different age groups and cultural backgrounds. On the other hand, however, competitive sports, because of its inborn nature of competition, may also involve disagreement and conflicts. In the essay, I would like to explore different aspects of the sports.
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18 Sep 2020乘着home test的机会,大家可以抓紧考IELTS indicator IBTGRE,价格实惠,关键是安全!
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26 May 2020some people think the best way to solve traffic congestions in cities is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, in the light of technology advancements, there is an increasing number of automobiles on the road. Thus traffic congestions are a chronic issue for many cities. Some assert that free public transport offered at 24/7 is the solution. However, in my view, some supplement measures also need to be implemented without stressing the city’s revenue.
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28 Feb 2020It is often argued that money and time spent on animal preservation should be reduced and instead spent on the human population. From my point of view, however, animals are equally important as the hu
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1 Feb 2020网络上各种鸡汤,大咖,大V 疯狂播撒,什么月入几万 年入千万,都不是事情,犹如小孩吃豆腐,章口就来。今天我不扯这些没用的,直接上干货,就我自己来说吧,十几年,我始终坚持两件事情,健身和学习。
每年回老家过年,我都会把来年的目标定下,但是从来不敢落的一样就是健身。我健身和其他的健身朋友不太一样。我平时还是非常繁忙,各种琐事,哈哈毕竟不是大老板吧,所以琐事很多。我基本上都是在碎片化的时间内,完成了引体向上,男人加油站深蹲,武林绝学鹰抓功等一系列高难度的健身体育项目。我一出门就是一个引体上杆子,上班下班就是一顿狂拉,不到5分钟 50-60个引体向上完成,入门客厅还有一个沙包,按上电梯时候,一套组合拳就开始了 中间不到1分钟,左直拳,左摆拳,后直拳,行如流水,哗啦啦的。我住在16楼,走到车库大概是2分钟整个电梯过程,那么一头非洲雄狮就开始极度释放激情,电梯来一段现场直播高强度深蹲,一顿猛如虎60深蹲结束,到了公司电梯又是60来个 ! 这个深蹲不要紧,好几次吓坏了我们小区女士,投诉我好几次了,说电梯里遇到变态色魔了,管她了,反正我又没有骚扰她!以我的颜值,我还担心呢。有时候没事的话时候,办公室坐久了,二话不说,直接按在地上,又是噼里啪啦的百来个俯卧撑。反正一天下来,大几十个引体向上,一百多深蹲,一百多俯卧撑,几套天马流星组合拳是少不了的! 关键的问题就是,我的这些时间用了就用了,不用也是浪费,应该99%的人把这个碎片化,间隙的时间浪费了,我现在异常凶猛,毫不夸张的说,2-3个小年轻,直接吊打。完全不是我的对手。需要什么专门抽取一段完整时间去健身房,呼吸着污浊额空气,。话说回来了,你要是就是闲的话,不推荐,可以尽情享受吧!我这些年坚持下来,体重身材适中保持很不错,算不上八块腹肌,但是一身灵活有弹性的腱子肉是肯定的,人际交往也更有信心了自信了,十年大学同学集会,我的身材颜值全班第一,而且看起来比同学小很多。科学也证明了,健身可以保持年轻,保持健康,有助于提高工作效率,而且媒体大肆宣传,自律哈哈,我们又坐上了顺风车,哪里来的自律啊 就是爱好习惯吧!哈哈不经意得到的而已,所以啊各位同学,啥也不说了,直接干起来吧! 找对象都容易很多,男同学,告诉你一个秘密,女孩很讨厌胖的男生,而且一胖那方面都会降低很多。Just do it .
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6 Aug 2019In modern society, ignorance of the value of nature and its processes is widespread. This lack of knowledge may be a product of the increasing disconnection between people and the natural environments
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22 Jun 2019Some people think that the development in agriculture such as factory farming and creation of new types of vegetables, have brought more benefits than problem. Agree or disagree?
Over the past centur
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15 May 2019It is a common practice that the media is bombarded with news of disasters, horror and malpractices. While some may consider this as an accepted way of doing by the media, I strongly believe more good