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15 Feb 2012雅思口语最纠结有木有!?家乡啊、人生啊、目标啊神马的简直不知道咋回答有木有!?但各位MM,如果是大帅哥吴彦祖亲自来示范满分雅思口语,乃是不是会对这个考试重新充满希望捏?
雅思常见的口语题目一:"Describe a place which gives you the deepest impression?"
There is a park in front of school. I always go there and play with my friends. It has a basketball court. After 4 pm, there would have a lot of people. And also there would have some games at weekends. That is my favorite park。
One place I go often now is South Africa. And I'm not talking about Johannesburg or Cape Town. I stay in a place that is a farm country. Big big open land and big big open skies.The place that I stay is a traditional African hut. Inside is very comfortable, but no electricity. So the challenge there is try to learn how to live without thecreature comforts you're used to, like a computer,like a TV, cell phone. It's really good for me because, especially my lifestyle here in HK can be very spoiled sometimes. Everybody wants to give you the best things, you always have the best things. But, can you live as a basic human being, can you live without all that staff。
I think these kind of things push me or challenge me to expand my horizons. Because the problem with being in the same place always in the same time is your world becomes smaller, but what I do is as soon as I finish working on a movie or when I have time to relax or travel, I'll go away in travel and try to go to somewhere new or some place different and try to experience something I'd never experience in my home. That's the main reason why I do it, to push my mind and try to challenge myself to see the world in a different way。
雅思常见口语题目二:“What do you learn from your job/major?”
I master a lot of skills and know how to deal with different situations, I feel a great sense of satisfaction。
But really what it is, is to just broaden your horizons and to look at the world in a wider perspective. I think acting gives me the opportunity to explore that much more. But what I really need to do when I'm not acting is to go out in the world and absorb all that information. I keep them in my mind, my library for when I can use them again when I'm acting.I think in my field, in my business, you come across barriers and challenges everyday, and to be able to have the peace of mind, to calmly look at the whole situation and learn how to make decisions off that is the most important. I think nowadays it's very hard for people to be in the moment. You are always thinking what I got to do next, what happened yesterday, but what's happening in front of you are enjoying that moment in front of you, that's the most important thing. And that's what we try to do in acting。
雅思常见口语题目三:“what is your goal in life?"
I am an university student. Now I am majoring in medicine. In the future, I will be a doctor. To be an excellent doctor is my dream. Because I don't want to see that people surffer from sick and nothing can do to help them。
It's not necessary about going to a certain place or arriving at a certain goal in life. The important thing is about what you learn along the way in that journey and to always keep your mind open about what you see before you get to the destination. Because your destination may not be important, it's about the experiences along the way and how itenriches you as a human being. So whether it's travelling or whether it's your life in general, to always remember to"smell the roses" to appreciate what's happening around you not just focusing on just the end or just the goal. Life will make its turns and you just have to learn to go with the flow and learn how to be ready for that, for every moment that changes in front of you。
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