一个戚薇发型的美女写的澳洲雅思写作7分 ,大家来评评,有雅思七分吗?
发布:aoya168 | 分类:雅思考试 | 引用:0 | 浏览:
Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to protection of wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
With increased government budget on wildlife protection as well as raised awareness of the protection of animals among the general public, some people argue that too much care and financial resources have been poured into animal protection. I believe that as long as it is within reasonable range, we should show our support.
The opponents of wildlife support believe that we have put excessive care and resources that should be otherwise used for other purposes. Media coverage of animal protection is on the rise; Nature Reserve as well as special animal sanctuaries have been established with funds from either the government or public donations and private organizations; Scientific projects and voluntary programs have also been set up for the sake of wildlife. The attention and funds that have been allocated for wildlife are so much that some argue that it is not justified considering human beings are still suffering from poverty, hunger, and diseases.
Without denying that we have put much attention and resources on wildlife, I believe it is within reasonable range. Despite our efforts to preserve wildlife, it is not necessarily making a difference, especially with the accelerating global warming and the worsening ecological deterioration. Our effort with regard to animal protection is far from enough. Besides, preserving animal as well as ecological diversity benefit humanity in the long term as our natural heritage of biological diversity is an invaluable and irreplaceable resource and our quality of life as well as that of our future generations depend on our preservation of animal species.
In conclusion, my view is that if the government and its people are still capable of providing all sorts of help like money, expertise or attention, there is no point in cutting the help down. On the other hand, respecting natural processes and not going beyond limits and necessity are important too.
0评论 - 一个戚薇发型的美女写的澳洲雅思写作7分 ,大家来评评,有雅思七分吗?