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15 Jan 2017Question:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Society benefits more from works
of great artist than from political leaders.
sample answer:
I agree with the notion that society benefits more from the work of great artists than from political
leaders. Art can be so pure and immediate, whereas political leaders can take months or even years to
make decisions. Artists can capture small and beautiful moments of humanity, with no real agenda,
whereas politicians naturally have an agenda and can have their true feelings stifled by trying to please
their voters. Political leaders can also cause a great deal of harm to society at times, whereas artists
rarely do.
It is very easy for society to benefit from art. There are thousands and thousands of paintings, films,
books, and other artistic creations freely available to people at any given time. These artworks can
inspire, delight, shock, and inform people about the world with a certain immediacy and intimacy.
They can aid people in discerning what qualities in life they value the most. It may sound simplistic,
but many people really do grow and better themselves through exposure to art. Politicians, on the other
hand, can be extremely slow to act. Certain laws can be beneficial to society, of course. But it can take
months or years to enact laws, with a large amount of voting and bickering along the way. A person
could experience countless pieces of art before a political leader did something that directly affected
Art also does not require a political agenda. Some of the most stirring artworks are ones that simply
study characters or show snippets of human life, allowing us to feel whatever we may. On the other
side of things, politicians by nature are going to have an agenda they are trying to push. Furthermore,
the things they tell the public can be untrue or simply insincere attempts to win votes. It can be
disheartening to hear a political leader give a speech on something you are passionate about, such as
the environment or healthcare, and realize the politician only seems to suddenly care about this topic
because there is an election coming up. Politicians seem to repeatedly toy with our emotions in this
way. At least with the work of artists, we know they are saying what they mean. Our positive reactions
are based on something solid and genuine.
Finally, when political leaders do turn their words into actions, there can sometimes be dire
consequences. Politicians can declare war, cut funding that helps the poor, and many other awful
things. They can hurt society in real, substantial ways. Art, for all the influence it can have on people,
very rarely does actual harm.
That’s why I believe society benefits more from the work of great artists than from political leaders.
Art is consistently available and can help people formulate their ideas about the world, unlike the
somewhat stifled political system. Politicians can be conniving and always have an agenda to push,
where art is more pure. And the actions of politicians can have horrible real life consequences, where
art rarely hurts people in such a way.
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