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9 Feb 2017In recent years, many young people decide to further their study abroad. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?
A much debated issue these days is whether young people should pursue their study further abroad. Personally, I believe advantages of studying abroad outweigh its disadvantages.
Firstly, it is widely accepted thatstudying abroad plays acriticalrole in allowing young students to broaden their horizons. More specifically, various kinds of cultures and customsabroad enable youths to open their eyes and hearts to novelties they have never experienced before.Furthermore, overseas students have found themselves more independent due to improving a variety of skills, such as communication skills, critical thinking skillsand time-management skills. All theseskillspracticed and perfected by group assignments and in-class discussionsconsolidatetheir presentation and interaction abilities.In fact,these youths’ future successes are built upon these invaluable treasures.
Admittedly, some drawbacks do exist when it comes to overseas study, such as, due to the language barrier, being difficult to make a living and struggling in social activities.For instance, local employers are not willing to hire international students, because they cannot speak fluent English. Thus, numerous students choose to go back to their country after graduation. Nevertheless, these problems can be overcomeas long as overseas students are willing to learn and hang in there. As a matter of fact, a great number of international students havesuccessfully proven themselves in terms of coping with this obstacle and have set up their family overseas.
In conclusion, young students should be encouraged to further their study abroad, because it will bring them much more merits than demerits. Although there are inevitable difficultiesfor them in doing so, such as the language barrier, young students will surely conquer those problems if they are of great determination.
这个屌了,我的一个gay朋友,目前移民美国了,小小年纪,英文水平雅思四个8分,雅思托福靠谱代考 联系我们 (2017-2-2 19:3:4)
我也忘记这个是谁写的了,但是雅思四个7分是没问题,他做枪手,有勇有谋,百战不殆 (2017-1-19 4:15:11)
一个雅思四个8分哥们写的托福满分作文,只要拿到题目瞬间,才思如泉涌,找靠谱代考,请联系我们 (2017-1-15 8:46:36)
一个美女 在墨尔本,自己考的移民律师牌照,雅思四个7分,绝对靠谱代考,良心代考 还想不被骗吗? (2017-1-8 10:20:36)
这位胖兄,雅思写作8分,但是托福写作总是25,其实是没有掌握技巧,还是按照雅思那套来书写,雅思代考,雅思不会被骗,那就找我们 (2017-1-4 7:48:29)
我也忘记这个谁写的了,反正很靠谱的雅思代考,你要想雅思代考不被骗,那就找我们! (2016-12-29 18:24:2)
难得的一个小姑娘写的雅思小作文,长得不错,和我在悉尼见过,雅思高分 雅思四个7分代考 替考 澳洲 IBT 托福枪手 PTE枪手 (2016-12-23 9:40:50)
一个英国妹子,第一次做雅思枪手,考出来雅思7分,还在犹豫什么,雅思托福替考枪手,怕被骗,还是联系靠谱的我们 (2016-12-18 19:53:55)
这个小阿妹可有来头了,年纪不大,未成年时候就考出雅思四个7分了,要想找枪手不被骗,防止被骗联系我们 (2016-12-5 8:29:28)
是我见过最牛逼的雅思枪手,口语每次都是9分,听力阅读也是,只要把写作提高到9分的 那么就是四个9分 OH no 要想代考不被骗,请联系我们 (2016-11-28 8:36:49)
0评论 - 这个小伙,年轻有为,靠自己在澳洲珀斯,娶个大美女老婆,还拿到了身份,现在珀斯几套房子了,都是靠自己 雅思写作7分保证的,口语都要达到了9分