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7 May 2017According to research, there are numerous countries around the world, these days, that are having a problem of aging society. The ratio of elderly is continuously increasing. As a universal problem, it has positive impacts as well as the negative ones to families and the whole society.
Frankly, an aging society has some advantages in a way. Older people are, as a whole, more experienced in life and are more responsible towards work. The society, therefore, will be a more stable place in terms of employment and other related fields. Meanwhile, younger employees will surely have more opportunities to learn from and possibly catch up with the older ones. It is well-known that most crimes nowadays are committed by younger people. Thus, with increasing older people in a certain society, the crime rate will be dramatically descending.
Admittedly, an overly high proportion of older people will affect any country negatively. First off, the younger generations will be burdened economically. Take
In conclusion, the limited positive effects of the increasing proportion of older people should not be denied, but the increase brings more negativity to society.
一个朋友,每次雅思口语都是满分,非常给力,还在发愁雅思代考不会被骗吗?请联系我们 (2017-4-30 4:25:49)
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