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In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations.
Thanks to better material lives and improved healthcare, people in modern society can enjoy higher longevities, especially in advanced economies. Some negative consequences of this trend, however, are more likely to ensure, which I shall explore in this essay together with some solutions to mitigate the effects of aging population.
An ageing population will exert a baneful effect on both individuals and society. First and foremost, young adults will have to work more while the government has to pay more pensions for the retirees. In other words, the society will suffer from an acute shortage of working adults, affecting production and the general economy as a whole. Moreover, the healthcare staff and facilities will be under pressure with the increasing demand from people in their twilight years. Young people may also need to look after their elderly family or relatives.
Given the imminent challenges we may have to face, some measures could be adopted to reduce the effects of an ageing population. A simple answer is to improve the retirement age by several more years. Those who aged between 55 and 60, which are the usual ages for people to retire now, are still healthy and capable enough to work for some additional years. In addition, the government needs to invest more funds in the healthcare as well as medical research in order to accommodate the increasing demand from the elderly. Lastly, the government can amend the immigration policy to introduce more skilled young adults from other countries.
In conclusion, an ageing population will impose a negative impact on both individuals and society in a variety of ways. However, several methods can be used to minimize the impact.
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