一个可以号称雅思可以8分写作的老师,结果只有6.5 雅思自拍照 托福 自拍照 靠谱
发布:aoya168 | 分类:雅思考试 | 引用:0 | 浏览:
Task Two
Sadly, more animals, birds and fish are becoming extinct than ever before. Unsurprisingly, human activity is
the cause of this. Both the reasons and the possible solutions are complicated, but I will highlight some of them
Just like humans, animals have specific needs that have to be filled to sustain life. For example, they need the
right environment to live and certain foods to eat. Many large corporations and governments ignore this. They
destroy forests and pollute rivers, which can damage or even take away the homes of many creatures.
Individuals ignore it too. They have a constant desire for new things and are often wasteful. They seldom think
of animals or the environment when they buy things and may not even realise the long-term effects of their
actions. Climate change and global warming are also the result of human activity. This is causing damage to
plant life, which has a bad effect on animals and can even lead to extinction.
Solving this problem is very difficult and will take time. People’s attitudes and society as a whole needs to
change. Governments and schools need to educate people on what they can do to protect animal species and to
understand how big a problem extinction is. Organisations need to raise awareness of the damage our daily
activities may cause and show people what changes need to be made to protect the environment. For example,
we should be constantly reminded to recycle regularly, to walk or cycle instead of using cars and to limit how
much we buy.
In summary, humans do not think enough about how their actions affect animal species and this leads to
extinction. Solving the problem is only possible if individuals are willing to change.
0评论 - 一个可以号称雅思可以8分写作的老师,结果只有6.5 雅思自拍照 托福 自拍照 靠谱