雅思CAE GRE GMAT 托福自拍照,火速动起来
发布:aoya168 | 分类:雅思考试 | 引用:0 | 浏览:
Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be controlled strictly, others say that people are free to make such noise as they wish. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Is noise, an inescapable part of our lives, something that we are free to make or that should be controlled? While some believe that noise should be banned completely, I reckon that everyone has their freedom to make noises, provided it is reasonable and moderate.
Some people may argue that noise, referring to a loud and unpleasant sound, is unwelcome in many ways. First of all, long time high decibel noise environment can be a major disturbance to people’s work and study, lowering working and study efficiency. It is not difficult to imagine that students sitting in a school with constant noise nearby would find it hard to concentrate on their studies. In addition, noises in a residential complex would make its dwellers uncomfortable with their living environment. A late night party with loud music and clamor will leave the surrounding residents in a state of insomnia and irritation as well as fatigue at work in the following day.
Without denying that noise is detrimental to our lives, I believe everyone has their rights to make whatever noises as they like, as long as it causes no disturbance to others. Just as people have rights to rest, they equally enjoy the freedom to do their leisure activities, many of which involve noises, such as singing in a karaoke bar, dancing while playing loud music, etc. The world would be a much boring place to be if we were living in a completely quite environment. However, if noises are made without consideration of others’ work and live, it should be stopped or sometimes, be intervened by the government.
In conclusion, I reckon that noise is an integral part of our lives. As long as the noises do not affect others’ lives, people should be left with the freedom to make noises.
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